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Book Review: Developmental Reading:   A Skill Text For College Students by Angelita D. Romero and Rene C. Romero

Developmental Reading A Skill Text For College Students covers reading lessons, exercises, and reading selections/passages for college learners and provides background information about reading such as what reading is, why read, what to read, and how to read. Content falls under three main areas: vocabulary, comprehension and study skills. Lessons on vocabulary give the students an opportunity to encounter words in various disciplines and their meanings. It also provides experiences to students in using various techniques in order to understand a word. Lessons on comprehension provide understanding passage and other selections. Through these, It helps the learners to improve their comprehension skills. Students are able to give their opinion, judgment or evaluation, based on his/her prior knowledge or background of experiences in relation to the information read. Lessons on study skills provide exercises in gathering information and organizing information. The students get practice in applying his/her reading skills as functional learning skills. 

I like Developmental Reading A Skill Text For College Students book because it is very informative and it would really help the learners improve their reading skills. Lessons and exercises are arranged from simple to complex. Each topic has corresponding exercises to answer. Exercises impart mastery of the lesson and develop critical thinking. Authors really explain the topics well, direction is easily understandable, and there are examples to guide the learners. Not only the definitions and exercises, but there are a lot of reading selections and passages that enhance comprehension and reading ability of the learners. As a Reading and Writing Instructor, I am using this book as my another reference and I discovered that this is very helpful for me elaborating the lessons properly with my students and I can use the exercises and reading selections as an assessment.  

For those English language instructors and those learning on how to develop reading skills, I recommend the Developmental Reading A Skill Text For College Students book for your future reference because it is really helpful to improve your comprehension and better appreciation of the world of print. After reading and studying the book, authors want you to know the importance of reading and to apply your reading performance in different aspects. Through the reading process, authors also want you to develop your communication and writing skills. Therefore, this book is really recommendable if you are learning the ways on how to comprehend the text and purposely help “slow” readers. 

Book Reviewed by:

Mr. Cyrus Pesayco

English Teacher – NST Senior High