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Book Review: The Story of My Life by Helen Keller

“The Story of my Life” is Helen Keller’s autobiography that recounts Helen experiences in life on how she adjusted to the world despite her disabilities knowing that she is blind and deaf. The book presents a remarkable achievement through her life journey and it is very inspirational, which she wrote by herself . It was originally published in 1903. 

At the beginning of the story she describes how she felt isolated to the world around her and frustrated while trying to learn. She was not able to learn language like the other normal children. She struggles with her life filled with anger , frustration, and darkness because no one could understand her and she doesn’t know how to express herself also. Her life started to change when she met her teacher , Anne Sulivan. She taught Helen how to name objects by handing it to her and spell out the letter through her hands and how to communicate with her family as well as the outside world. 

The story of my life is a heart rending story that captures my heart , the story or I would say the journey of her life is really amazing and motivating that despite of all the adversities in here life, she still chooses to overcome it and the fact that she learned 3 languages and write a book about her life really blew me away even though she can’t hear nor see. There were so many beautiful things in the book but my favorite thing is her teacher Anne Sulivan who taught him how to live a life to the fullest. 

Book Reviewed by:

Ms. Glezene Calapatia

Research Teacher –  NST Senior High