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Tribute to The Pillars of Our Family

Mothers are known as the light of the family, or in Tagalog “ang ilaw ng tahanan”. Meanwhile, every Filipino knows that a father is known as the “ang haligi ng tahanan” in Tagalog, but are you aware what does that translate to into English?

The answer is in the title of this blog article. “Haligi” in English means column, it is an upright pillar, typically cylindrical and made of stone or concrete. By that definition, we can  see why our fathers were described as the pillars of our family. Fathers are seen as the head of the house and the provider for his family. This may be true two or three decades ago because as of now, almost all parents share the same responsibilities in a household. Yet, there are still responsibilities in a family only a father can do better than a mother and vice versa.

So cheers to all fathers out there, Happy Fathers’ Day!

Several of our students sent a warm Father's day greetings. Watch them all and see how fond and loving our students are towards their father